
Year 3 and 4

Home Learning for LKS2


Learning will be released on the day that it is due to be completed and will remain until 8pm the following Sunday evening.  Each homework is linked to current learning and should take no more than 10 minutes. 

As always, keeping up with reading and writing skills are really important, don't forget that children in KS2 have access to MyOn. Below is a timetable of the home learning that is expected to be completed.





It is important for your child to read for 20 minutes every day.  Please write in the reading record and ensure your child’s books are in school every day. When your child finishes their reading book they will be able to complete an Accelerated Reader quiz. MyOn books and quizzes are available to complete at home, if you need login reminders please ask.





Purple Mash Spelling Quiz - Can you spell the year 3/4 words correctly?


Purple Mash Spelling Revision


Purple Mash Spelling Quiz - Can you spell the year 3/4 words correctly?


Purple Mash Spelling Revision


 Revise this week's spellings. How many can you spell correctly?                                   





Complete at least 10 minutes on TT Rockstars, revising your tables. Aim to get on the school leader board.  


Log on to TT Rockstars Complete 10 minutes with at least half the time on 'Arena'. If this is too tricky, try out the times tables practice on


Revise your times tables by completing at least 10 minutes on TT Rockstars.


Log onto TT Rockstars. Complete 10 minutes with at least half the time on 'Garage'. If this is too tricky, try out the times tables practice on


Complete at least 10 minutes on TT Rockstars, revising your tables.




Maths Homework for Mrs Page’s group

7th July 


Try this website:

Counting in 3s - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

The 4 times table - Maths - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

Look at the video hacks for remembering the 3 and 4 times table on our home learning page and practice them if you need to develop your confidence.

Use them to answer the questions sent home. 





